Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent

Feedback Score


Dan Keene

Email this agent

(509) 768.2249 
424 E. Sherman Ave. Ste. 305
Coeur D' Alene, ID 83814
Annual Rate

Positive Feedback
Clients who left a:
Positive: 1Neutral: 0Negative: 0
Past Month000
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Past 12 Months000

G. Kogut
Cary, NC

Company name:
MA Engineering Consultants, Inc.

04/15/2011 8:01 AM

Excellent service! Great company! Good price! If you see registered agents as necessary evils, taking your money just to satisfy some antiquated law, Northwest Registered Agents will change your point of view. They offer an actual SERVICE! Their website is a wealth of information - more accurate and easier to follow than the state agencies themselves. We recommend them highly.

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